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Classes, Workshops and Parties for Children and Adults                               Visual Arts and Music


All students of the KAC must register each year (anniversary date of first attendance) and pay an annual $20 registration fee.  That fee is reduced to $10 for each additional family member.  There is no registration fee for workshops.  To register as a student of the KAC, print out the form for New Student  Registration, Returning Student Registration or Music Student Registration, complete and bring it with your payment - check to Kensington Art Center or cash for the registration fee and/or tuition to the first class.  Credit cards are taken at the first class where indicated in the description.



Contact the teacher or director indicated in the description to reserve your spot in class. This step must be completed for each class/lesson whether you are a new or returning student.  Registration for art classes can be done by calling or texting teacher/director indicated in class description.  Register for music lessons by calling George Tarasuk at 312.835.2526 or the indicated teacher. 


Art Classes for Kids 

Parents and caregivers are welcome any time during classes.  Pop in any time.  Typically children take ALL work home on the last day of class. 


Rachel Weaver Rivera, owner of Imagine  Art Studio, is back at the Kensington Arts Center with new classes, holiday workshops and birthday parties for kids.  Info is attached here. Call or text Rachel at 773-203-6659 to enroll.





Art Classes for Adults 

(Complete registration form found above)


SATURDAY OIL PAINTING WITH JAMES SWANSON:  Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., starting 9/9.  This class is a big nudge in the right direction for oil painters with painting time under their belts.  Taught by award-winning instructor James Swanson, it will be full or instructions, tips, and laughs.  Level: Imtermediate to Advanced.  Call Jim at 708.606.2742 for more information or to register.

*  FEE:  $156 for 8 weeks  (plus $20 annual registration for  students new to the KAC)


Piano and Violin Lessons for All Ages

Parents and caregivers of child students are welcome any time during classes.  Pop in any time or stay for the entire lesson!


Piano Lessons are taught at the KAC by Joseph Cisar.  Violin Lessons are taught by Emily McGinn.  For information on pricing and scheduling, call KAC music director George Tarasuk at 312.835.2526.  He can put you in touch with the correct teacher.  Once your lessons are scheduled, complete and bring the Music Student Registration Form with your registration fee and tuition to the first lesson.


Please complete one form per student and submit with $20 annual registration fee and class tuition at or before the first KAC lesson attended.  Music students must re-register ANNUALLY.  Class tuition is paid monthly at the first lesson in each month by check payable to Kensington Arts Center.  PARENTS OR CAREGIVERS OF UNDERAGE STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO OBSERVE LESSONS AT ANY TIME.


Art Parties

Information on KAC art parties including prices and registration can be found on our Programs page - click on the Programs tab at the top of this page.







Group Classes


Hours vary by weekly schedule.


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203  S Kensington
LaGrange, IL 60525


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